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Bonjour tous le monde🙏 !

Welcome all. I’m Utkarsh a Developer Advocate Intern at Scaler, recently graduated from School of Engineering,CUSAT, an aspiring Machine Learning Engineer and am passionate about diversity in tech and open source. I am an ambassador @ and Product Evangelist @

Presently, I am working with tableau and deeplearning models . I love volunteering with tech communities and am involved with Pehia Foundation (a non-profit working towards the cause of bridging the gender gap in tech ) , Tinkerhub as a Core Mentor for TinkerWeek.Py ( a 2 week learning jam facilitating World of Python in a nutshell).

I am also a Mentor @ Mentors Without Borders (a group of passionate professionals teaching young people tech ).

In the past , I have also worked as full stack web developer.

In my free time , I love reading blogs and am learning French at the moment . I also love to travel.

To contact me, please email . You can also follow me on Twitter.

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